TupuOra has a generic outline of the content delivered at each level to assist our participants in deciding what level is appropriate. It is important to note that this is only a guide, and the content may be slightly adjusted. There is other content as a part of specific regional delivery which may contain, but is not limited to customs and protocols, songs, prayers, traditional laments, and local histories.
Level 1 (English mode of delivery)
- Local Dialect – simple pronunciation, consonants, vowels, digraphs, ‘T’ sounds
- Use – terms of address, pepeha
- Grammar – syllabic stress, definite/indefinite articles, simple commands
- Curriculum – introductory phrases, Māori language resources
- Revitalisation – Māori language history, Māori Language Act 1987, iwi revitalisation plan
Level 2 (English mode of delivery with minimal use of te reo Māori)
- Local Dialect – pronunciation extension, ‘T’ class determiners
- Use – simple conversation
- Grammar – numbers and counting, personal pronouns
- Curriculum – introductory, instruction and supporting phrases, Māori language resources
- Revitalisation – understanding the Māori language status
Level 3 (English mode of delivery with increasing use of te reo Māori)
- Local Dialect – the marae complex, the locative particle ‘kei’
- Use – passives as commands, the use of ‘kaua’, interactive games
- Grammar – active tense structures and their negatives
- Curriculum – simple prayers and songs, curriculum, commonly used instructions
- Revitalisation – Māori language week, Matariki celebration
Level 4 (Bilingual mode of delivery)
- Local Dialect – genealogies, A/O prepositions
- Use – interactive conversation, past and future tense questions
- Grammar – A/O categories, ‘T’ class possessives
- Curriculum – delivering prayers and songs, to plan and teach a curriculum area
- Revitalisation – to celebrate Māori language week, create a classroom revitalisation plan
Level 5 (Bilingual mode of delivery with minimal use of English)
- Local Dialect – tribal colloquialisms
- Use – intermediate language to guide and complete tasks
- Grammar – passive structures, stative structures
- Curriculum – to conduct a lesson in a curriculum area
- Revitalisation – to conduct sessions building awareness of te reo Māori
Level 6 (Total immersion mode of delivery)
- Local Dialect – formal and informal language (local karakia, waiata)
- Use – the language and practices within the wharekai (suggested)
- Grammar – the prefix ‘whaka’, derived nouns, postposed particles
- Curriculum – to deliver a main curriculum area in total immersion
- Revitalisation – to manage strategies and revitalisation domains
Level 7 (Total immersion mode of delivery)
- Local Dialect – to conduct a formal occasion (suggested)
- Use – to facilitate high level fluency lessons (suggested)
- Grammar – grammar correction, contemporary language domains
- Curriculum – to create resources for, deliver and manage an advanced curriculum area
- Revitalisation – to design, facilitate and evaluate a community language plan