Our People

Kingi Kiriona
Mana Whakahaere — Managing Director
Pou Whakaako — PLD Facilitator
Iwi: Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Apa
Ngā Tohu:
- MA (with distinction)
- PG.Cert (Te Reo Māori)
- BA (Screen Media & Māori)
- Te Toi Reo Māori (licensed Te Reo translator and interpreter)
- Te Panekiretanga o te Reo
Professional Profile:
A leader of Māori language and cultural development, Kingi brings a depth and breadth of knowledge of te ao Māori. He is an orator, a kapa haka exponent and nationally recognised composer of haka and waiata Māori. A background in broadcasting has developed Kingi’s ability to build great rapport with anyone he engages with. His creativity and attention to detail has made him a highly sought after Māori language consultant. Kingi possesses the ability to adapt and transfer his skills to any context that presents itself and demonstrates great leadership qualities.
- Māori Television Service, Board Director
- Ministerial Appointee, Think Tank — Te Ahu o te Reo Māori, Te Kawa Matakura
- Tutor — Te Iti Kahurangi Kapahaka
- The Arts
- Governance, Management, Leadership, Change
- Oral Language
- Parents, Whānau, Communities, Iwi
- Tikanga Māori

Te Waipounamu Teinakore
Mana Whakahaere — Managing Director
Iwi: Waikato, Ngāti Hauā
Ngā Tohu:
- MEd (with first class honours)
- PG. Dip (Literacy & Numeracy)
- B.Ed
- Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo
Professional Profile:
Te Waipounamu has an extensive background in education spanning over 20 years. She has experience as a classroom teacher and held multiple senior management roles within kura. Te Waipounamu is passionate about kapa haka, music and incorporates these modes of learning as tools for engaging all learners. She brings a plethora of expertise in curriculum development and implementation. Te Waipounamu has held a range of key advisory roles in education including as a Ministerial Advisor of Te Hurihanganui.
- Founding member of Te Iti Kahurangi Kapa Haka
- Te Iti Kahurangi Kapa Haka — Chair
- The Arts
- Evaluation, Assessment, Aromatawai
- Te Reo Matatini, Kōrero, Pānui, Tuhituhi
- Parents, Whānau, Communities, Iwi
- Tikanga Māori

Tineka Wanakore
Pou Whakahaere — Executive Officer
Iwi: Ngāti Maniapoto — Ngāti Apakura, Ngāi te Rangi — Ngāi Tamawhariua
Ngā Tohu:
- Diploma in Te Tohu Paetahi,
University of Waikato - Bachelor of Māori Performing Arts,
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi - Certificate in Business Studies
- Certificate in Office and Business Administration,
Waikato Polytechnic
Professional Profile:
With a background in business, office and administration systems, Tineka brings a sound ability to lead and navigate through workstreams and projects with great attention to detail. She openly pursues a life-work balance to support and nurture her children, where a committed link to whānau and te ao Māori is maintained. Over the past 25 years Tineka has gained experience in operations, finance, resource and event production, strategy and line management within Māori education focussed environments.
- Pou Hāpai — Business Functions Manager, Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa
- Manager, Finance and Resources — Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori Office, University of Waikato
- Office Manager — Takatū Trust
- Creative, Performer, Treasurer — Te Iti Kahurangi Incorporated
- Co-Director — Tawhana Limited
- Co-Director — Mōwai Mārire Creatives Limited

Huhana Rolleston
Pou Herenga — Manager, Partnerships
Iwi: Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui
Ngā Tohu:
- Bachelor of Arts (Māori)
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bar Admission 2011
- Te Pīnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi
Professional Profile:
From 2010, Huhana has assisted hapū and iwi in Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiation processes as a project manager and solicitor. In 2017, she became the Operations Manager of the Ngāi Te Rangi post settlement governance entity and rūnanga. She then returned to legal practice at Tukau Law representing hapū and iwi in Waitangi Tribunal kaupapa inquiries before joining TupuOra in 2022.
Huhana is well respected for her professionalism and passion for advancing Māori interests. She has a robust understanding of Māori legal issues, particularly, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and colonisation. Huhana is an advocate for Māori reasserting rangatiratanga within their lives and understands the importance of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori to that transformation.
- Negotiations/Legal assistant – Indigenous Corporate Solutions
- Solicitor – Koning Webster Lawyers
- Project Manager – Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust, Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective, Mauao Trust
- Operations Manager – Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust
- Director – Te Awanui Huka Pak Ltd
- Senior Solicitor – Tukau Law

Jarred Boon
Pou Wānanga — Manager, Higher Learning
Iwi: Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Apakura
Ngā Tohu:
- MMPD (First Class Hons)
- P.G Dip Int / Trans Māori (Distinction)
- Grad Dip Tch
- Golden Key Society Member
- Te Toi Reo Māori (Licensed Te Reo Māori Translator)
Professional Profile:
Jarred is a senior lecturer and advisor of te reo and tikanga Māori. With over 20 years experience, he has been part of a number of initiatives to help develop iwi and community language revitalisation strategies.
Jarred is recognised for his skills in programme design and development, moderation, editing and translation. He has an interest in Pasifika languages and has strong whānau and community values.
- Senior Lecturer — Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology
- Co-editor — He Puna Kupu He Manawa aa-Whenua
- Former Chair — S.W.C.F.C Inc
- Co-director for Pūkauri Limited

Tokoaitua Tarawera Winiata
Ranga Whakaako — Manager, Curriculum Delivery and Capability
Iwi: Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Awa
Hapū: Ngāti Pareraukawa, Ngāti Pūkaki, Te Pahipoto
Ngā Tohu:
- MEd (First Class Honours)
- MMM (Masters of Mātauranga Māori)
Professional Profile:
Tokoaitua has a wealth of experience across the education sector and the te reo Māori domain. Tokoaitua has spent the last 10 years as a lead kaiako reo in Māori-medium. He has also been the lead manager of kaupapa Māori initiatives in the Māori-medium sector as an advisor and consultant for tumuaki and kaiako Māori. He has worked in a range of initiatives to revitalise te reo Māori within his Iwi and more recently in the Education workforce contributing to initiatives within Ngā Kura ā-Iwi, the Ministry of Education and the New Zealand Qualification Authority. He has been a kaiako for several Kura Reo, a Pūkenga for Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori, a script writer and Kapa Haka tutor and composer.
- Senior Management — Ngā Taiātea Wharekura
- Lead Advisor for Te Reo Rangatira (MoE & NZQA)
- Kapa Haka Tutor
- Kairuruku Reo — Ngā Kura ā-Iwi
- SCT — Special Classroom Teacher

Tiare Kata Teinakore
Pou Whakarauora — Manager, Resource and Cultural Development
Iwi: Waikato, Ngāti Hauā
Ngā Tohu:
- MEd (First Class Honours)
- BA (Māori)
- Graduate Diploma (Teaching)
- Te Panekiretanga o te Reo
Professional Profile:
Tiare is a renowned advocate of te reo Māori revitalisation, spearheading the delivery of Hauā Reo, Hauā Tangata, the language revival strategy for her iwi of Ngāti Hauā. A former teacher and educator with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Tiare delivered the Bachelor of Teaching programme. She is one of the few women to be awarded the Manukura Wahine prize for female leadership at the National Te Matatini Kapahaka Competition
- Tutor, Leader — Te Iti Kahurangi Kapahaka
- Kaiwhakahaere Reo — Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust
- Ākonga Māori, Māori Success, Māori Communities
- The Arts (Māori performing arts)
- Te Reo Māori
- Parents, Whānau, Communities, Iwi
- Tikanga Māori
- Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Rawinia Paringatai
Pou Ranga Whakaako — Manager, Professional Learning Development
Iwi: Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou
Ngā Tohu:
- BA (Screen and Media & Māori)
- Grad Dip in Secondary School Teaching
- Te Pīnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi
Professional Profile
Rawinia is an experienced education practitioner teaching across all levels within both English and Māori medium settings. Her passion for te reo, tikanga and te ao Māori has been the driving force behind her work towards systemic change and is recognised for her ability to connect with ākonga, whānau and iwi to support schools and teachers in building an inclusive curriculum and cultural capabilities for the advancement and equitable outcomes for Māori.
- Former Chairperson of Te Puna Ako o Tāhuna Incorporated
- Technical Writer, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
- Facilitator of SELO Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities
- Facilitator of Māori Medium PCT & Mentoring Programme
- Ākonga Māori, Māori Success, Māori Communities
- Priority Learners, Diverse Learners, Pasifika Learners, Adult Learners
- Parents, Whānau, Communities, Iwi
- Tikanga Māori
- Tātaiako

Lisa Gardiner
Mana Whakawhanake Pakihi — Business Development Manager
Iwi: Ngāti Ranginui – Ngāi Te Ahi, Ngāi te Rangi – Ngāti He
Professional Profile:
Lisa is a senior executive who has a solid foundation of skills gained through a range of management roles, primarily within and related to the treaty settlement process and environment. Lisa has excellent communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills with the ability to develop and maintain strong relationships and influence. Lisa has a real passion for Māori growth and development and comes from a strong business and administration background with proven experience in managing complex projects where she has a proven track record of delivering project outcomes on time and within budget with significant experience in contract management.
- General Manager — Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust
- Contracts Manager — Ngāti Hauā Trust Board
- Manager — Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective Leasing Company
- Project Manager — Te Roopu Whakamana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui
- Project Manager — Te Runanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust
- Manager — Hinehou Kōhanga Reo
- Trustee — Ngāti He Hapu Trust, Kaitimako J2 Trust

Jessica Walker
Pou Tuihono – Manager, Online Support and Delivery
Iwi: Waikato, Ngāti Wairere, Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Aupōuri
Ngā Tohu:
- Masters of Teaching and Learning
- BA (Tikanga & Te Reo Māori)
- Diploma — Documentary Directing
- Te Pīnakitanga o te reo Kairangi
Professional Profile:
Jess is nearing ten years as an education practitioner with experience across primary, secondary, mainstream and rūmaki reo school settings. Her input at Ngā Puna o Waiorea — Western Springs College has helped towards the school being gazetted as the first Co-Governance school in Aotearoa. She is recognised for her skills and abilities in kapa haka and designing successful te reo and tikanga Māori learning programmes. As a māmā of three tamariki, Jess is passionate about improving outcomes for tamariki through the use of te reo and tikanga Māori.
- Pou Ruruku, Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori ki Tainui
- Former Kaiako of Ngā Puna o Waiorea
- Trustee, Hukanui Marae
- Trustee, Freemans Bay School
- Technical Writer — Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
- Ākonga Māori, Māori Success, Māori Communities
- The Arts
- Collaboration, Relationships, Networking, Communication
- Tikanga Māori
- Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Elizabeth Morgan
Pou Whakamarumaru — Ākonga
Iwi: Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri
Ngā Tohu:
- BA (Teaching — Primary)
Professional Profile:
A teaching leader of Tikanga and reo Māori, Elizabeth brings a depth of experience in supporting the diverse cultural needs of kaiako and support staff in dual-medium settings. She brings her creativity and attention to detail to support the learning success of those she works alongside. With a background in teaching and education Elizabeth builds a positive rapport with anyone she engages with. She possesses exceptional leadership qualities with a commitment to clear communication and organisational skills tailored to context.
- Primary School Teacher & Syndicate Lead – (Rūmaki, Reorua)
- Kapahaka Tutor – Nawton School
- Apple Certified Teacher (Apple Schools Native Applications)
- Ākonga Māori, Māori Success, Māori Communities
- Collaboration, Relationships, Networking, Communication
- Bilingualism, Dual Medium Contexts, Second Languages, ESOL
- Student Efficacy, Engagement, Agency, Success
- Tikanga Māori

Greg Koia
Pou Toko Akoranga — Manager, Quality and Programme Development
Iwi: Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui ngā iwi
Te Whānau a Tapuhi, Te Whānau a Te Aopare, Te Whānau a Kahurautao ngā hapū
Ngā Tohu:
- Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo
- B.A Māori
Professional Profile:
Greg has experience across the education sector in a variety of roles, as a kaiako in Māori-medium, as a review officer of the Education Review Office and a teaching fellow at Waikato University. He has also worked in a range of initiatives to revitalise te reo Māori, such as a kaiako for numerous Kura Reo, as a Pūkenga for Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori, as a translator, as a Māori language consultant and advisor, as a researcher, as an author, as a script writer and composer.
- Teaching Fellow, University of Waikato
- Review Officer – ERO
- Kaiako – Ngā Taiātea Wharekura
- Trustee, Te Ao Hou Marae

Jamie Lambert
Pou Ara Whānui — Manager, Tertiary and Career Pathways
Iwi: Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tūhoe
Professional Profile:
Jamie is a graduate of the Māori schooling system of Aotearoa New Zealand starting with Te Kōhanga Reo o Tokoroa and is now heavily engaged in Māori education across the sector. She has extensive experience in the education system, including teaching, curriculum design, qualification development, resource design, development, and evaluation. She is an advocate for Māori aspirations, narratives, and worldviews throughout educational settings. Jamie is a māmā to a daughter and two sons and Grandma to three mokopuna; all of whom motivate her passion to do better and be better for Māori through education.
Ngā Tohu:
- MPhil (First Class Honours, First Division)
- BA (Education & Māori)
- PGDipArts
- DipTeach (Tertiary)
- Dip Māori
- Project Lead – TupuOra PTE establishment
- Project Manager – Mana ōrite NCEA change programme
- Lead Programme Designer, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
- Māori Research and Capability Coordinator, Wintec
- Former Chairperson, Te Iti Kahurangi Inc.
- Lead Developer Te Kawa Matakura, Ministry of Education

Te Manawaroa Teinakore
Pou Whakahihiri — Lead, Graduate Support and Pathways
Iwi: Tainui, Waikato, Ngāti Hauā
Ngā Tohu:
- Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge
- B.Ed
- Post Graduate in Mātauranga Māori
Professional Profile:
Te Manawaroa is a former television host and renowned te reo Māori composer and musician. During her career in broadcasting and music production, she actively sought ways to share and teach her knowledge and skills with diverse audiences. The outcome is a 15-year career in education with teaching experience across all levels. In her previous role, Te Manawaroa was the National Program Manager of Performing Arts for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. As a graduate of Kura Kaupapa, she is a strong proponent of Māori-medium education. Te Manawaroa is passionate about promoting the value of te reo Māori as a tool for learner success.
- National Programme Manager- TWOA
- Co-Lead of Te Iti Kahurangi Incorporated
- Former Kaiako of TWOA
- Former Kaiako of Peachgrove Intermediate
- Ākonga Māori, Māori Success, Māori Communities
- Priority Learners, Diverse Learners, Pasifika Learners, Adult Learners
- Parents, Whānau, Communities, Iwi
- Tikanga Māori
- Tātaiako

Aroha Broughton
Pūkenga — Facilitator
Iwi: Ngāti Maruwharanui, Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Te Āti Haunui a Pāpārangi, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Kahungunu
Ngā Tohu:
- Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Māori Performing Arts
- Dip Mātauranga Māori
Professional Profile:
Aroha is a respected Te Reo Māori teacher who incorporates mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and Te Reo Māori in her everyday practice. She is a steadfast Te Reo Māori champion within Te Taiuru, and over the years, her whānau has helped with the creation and execution of numerous Te Reo Māori initiatives in the region. Aroha has experience in Māori media, having worked as a broadcaster, content creator, and is currently a tutor for the journalist cadetship program at Te Korimako o Taranaki. Aroha also contributes a lot of teaching expertise, notably in Wharekura, from Kōhanga Reo to Kura Kaupapa Māori. She is also a great example of someone who wholeheartedly endorses Te Reo Māori and is enthusiastic about education.
- Kaipāpaho-Te Korimako o Taranaki Irirangi Māori
- Kaiako-Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
- Kaiako-Kōhanga Reo
- Kaiako-Kura Kaupapa Māori
- Kaiako-Wharekura
- Kaitātaki-Te Reo o Te Uru Regional News
- Kaiako-Te Ia Ka Oho Cadetship

Kiri Armstrong
Pou Hāpai — Administration Lead
Iwi: Ngāti Mahuta ki te Hauāuru, Ngāti Kirihika
Professional Profile:
With over fifteen years working as an Administrator, Kiri joins us to provide a high level of support and quality administration to the operations of TupuOra. Kiri will assist the Pou Whakahaere in the flow of administrative workstreams and support across the organisation.
Kiri is a Māmā to four tamariki who are her motivation to be better and do more for our people and language.
Ngā Tohu:
- He Pī Ka Pao – Level 2
- Te Rōnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi Level 5
- Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo Kairangi Level 6
- Te Pīnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi Level 7
- He Kāwai Raupapa Level 4
- Senior Administrator
- Personal Assistant
- Accounts Payable/Receivable
- Payroll
- Treasurer
- Customer Service

Te Wairua Smith
Pou Ruruku — Te Tai Tokerau, Te Ahu o te Reo Māori
Iwi: Ngāti Toro, Ngāpuhi
Ngā Tohu:
- Te Pīnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi
- Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo Kairangi
- Rongoā Māori Appreciation
- Dip. Child Birth Education
Professional Profile:
Te Wairua brings a weath of knowledge to her role, as an experienced educator of childcare and Te Ao Māori, a director of Te Mete Limited a kaupapa company that specialises in Te Reo Māori and Te Tiriti education, and a māmā of five fully immersed Te Reo Māori speaking tamariki.
Te Wairua and her whānau are leaders of Te Reo Māori within Te Tai Tokerau and have assisted in the development and delivery of many well-known Te Reo Māori initiatives in the region such as, Te Reo i Kupe, Po Wero Hinengaro, Te Tūāpapa o te Reo. In addition, Te Wairua and her whānau are excellent examples of their commitment to Te Reo Māori and their accolades include winning the Whānau award in 2019 for Te Taura Whiri o Te Reo – Ngā Tohu Reo Māori.
Furthermore, Te Wairua combines mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori and Te Reo Māori in her daily practice. Te Wairua has many skills which include time management, growth mindset, conflict resolution, creative thinking and team work to ensure successful outcomes. She uses her effective communication skills, attention to detail and organisational skills to complete tasks with quality in a timely manner.
- Director of Te Mete Limited
- Hoia Reo Māori Te Tai Tokerau events coordinator
- PAFT (Parents as First Teachers) Educator
- Waitangi National Trust Tour Guide/Performer
- Kaiwhakarite
- New Zealand Fire Brigade Volunteer – QF
- Tukau Legacy Community Fund
- Northland District Health Board Maternity Clinical Governance Group – Board Member
- Motatau Kōhanga Reo – Board Member

Anahera Aramakutu
Pou Ruruku — Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatū, Te Ahu o te Reo Māori
Iwi: Ngāti Manawa, Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Porou, Ngati Whaoa, Te Arawa whānui
Ngā Tohu:
- Poutūārongo Puna Maumahara (Bachelor Information Management) – Te Wānanga o Raukawa
- Heke Whare Tapere (Diploma in Literal Performing Arts)
Professional Profile:
Brought up in a family of Teachers, Anahera is a product of Kura Kaupapa Māori where her responsibilities included leadership, organisation and management of her peers.
While at Kura Kaupapa, Anahera started her degree in Information Management and worked part time doing office work. In 2019 she completed her degree and worked as Kaihāpai – Project Support Coordinator at Te Ahu a Turanga Alliance.
In 2022, she joined the team at TupuOra as Pou Ruruku for Te Ahu o te Reo Māori in Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatū.
- Kaihāpai – Te Ahu a Turanga Alliance; Manawatū Tararua Highway
- Kaimahi – Te Kura o Kauwhata
- Board Secretariat – Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tāmaki nui a Rua – Board of Trustees.

Norbryn Vaiula
Amo — Manaaki Kaupapa
Project Lead and Administration Support
Iwi: Ngā Puhi Hāmoa
Ngā Tohu:
- BMPA – Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Professional Profile:
Norbryn is a familiar face to many of the whānau in TupuOra, having spent many years as a dedicated and model kaihaka of Te Iti Kahurangi. In her role, Norbryn will be responsible for supporting the Pou Whakarauora with the delivery of key resource review and development projects.
Norbryn will also provide administration support for other areas of the resource development work programme, having worked extensively as an administrator and teacher aid for both Ngā Puna o Waiōrea and Te Kura Whakapūmau i te Reo Tūturu ki Waitaha.
- Administration Support in English and Māori Education Mediums
- Teacher Aide / Student Support Services
- Operations and Logistics Support ASB Polyfest Events, Ngā Manu Kōrero Regional Events

Kataraina Berryman
Kairangitāmiro — Technology, Design and Recruitment
Hapuu: Ngaati Whawhaakia, Ngaati Rora, Ngaati Wheke, Ngaa Rauru
Iwi: Waikato-Tainui, Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaai Tahu, Taranaki
Ngā Tohu:
- MBA Masters in Business Administration
The University of Waikato - BCGD Bachelors of Computer Graphic Design
The University of Waikato - Dip.TTP Te Tohu Paetahi – Diploma in Te Reo Māori
The University of Waikato - Dip.FD Diploma of Fashion Design
Wintec - National Cert. Sport & Fitness
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa - Cert. Applied Sport
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa - Cert. Computing & Business Communication
- Management
- Creative Design
- Business
- Leadership
- Media
- Information Technology
- Technology
- Arts
- Sport and Fitness

Pare Temara
Ranga Auaha — Content Creator
Iwi: Ngāi Tuhoe, Ngāti Raukawa ki Wharepūhunga
Ngā Tohu:
- Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Māori Performing Arts
- Diploma of Film and Directing
Professional Profile:
Pare was fortunate to be raised in a Māori environment were Te reo Māori me ngā tikanga were at the forefront of her upbringing. She is a product of Kōhanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa Māori, Wharekura and Whare Wānanga. Her passion for capturing moments started from a young age. She aspires to tell stories through a Māori World Lens.
In this environment, she has had the chance to produce news articles and feature videos for stakeholders and clients. She takes a creative approach to producing excellent videos for the communities she serves, including showcasing local talent, covering special occasions, iwi kaupapa, creating educational videos, filming interviews, and creating video content for websites and social media platforms. She is currently developing new graphic design and skills.
Pare is also a qualified Teacher and has teaching experience with Kōhanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa and Wharekura.
- Multimedia
- Videography
- Photography
- Teaching

Nichole Gully
Pūkenga — Facilitator
Iwi: Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki, Rongomaiwahine
Ngā Tohu:
- Te Panekiretanga o te Reo
- Master of Teaching and Learning (Māori) First Class
- Diploma of Teaching and Learning (Secondary)
Professional Profile:
Nichole has worked in a range of initiatives to revitalise te reo Māori spanning over 25 years. Her experience includes teaching, leading, advising, content development, translation services and research.
She has lead learning as a secondary kaiako, a university lecturer and a facilitator of adult learning in the public and private sectors, as well as alongside community and iwi groups.
Nichole has also held senior leadership, management and executive roles and has worked as an advisor to the Ministry of Education on Māori education initiatives.
- Lecturer – University of Canterbury
- Tumu Te Aho Māori – CORE Education (Senior Leader Māori)
- Māori Co-Chair – Professional Learning Association of New Zealand
- National PLD Lead and Advisor, Māori Education – Ministry of Education