TupuOra is one of thirteen Te Ahu o te Reo Māori providers in Aotearoa who deliver across Te Tai Tokerau (Northland), Te Moana a Toi (Bay of Plenty), Tainui, Taranaki, Whanganui and Manawatū. We have provided support and infrastructure for renown local te reo Māori experts and iwi to realise their collective aspirations for te reo Māori in their regions within a teaching and learning context.
A guiding principle of our programme is to create a culture and environment of ‘hihiri’ (inspiration and invigoration) to grow te reo Māori and tikanga Māori capabilities within each participant. They will gain a safe, enjoyable, authentic and meaningful environment in which to grow and nurture their te reo and tikanga Māori capabilities.
Participants will also benefit from access to the knowledge, skill and expertise of key te reo Māori champions and educators from within their respective regions.
Programme Overview

Under TupuOra, Te Ahu o te Reo Māori is delivered in two phases. Te Rekamauroa is phase one of the programme which is delivered over the duration of a school term.
Te Rekamauroa has been purposefully contextualised for the education sector incorporating local dialect, history, stories, songs, haka and narratives. The name Te Rekamauroa is derived from a type of kūmara, brought here to Aotearoa from Hawaiki. Translated as “The Long-Lasting Sweetness” the kūmara was traditionally grown and harvested in ways that had to be adapted to suit the new environment; much like how we need to stay current and think strategically around language regenesis today, so we can forever savour the sweetness of the Māori language.
Te Rua Korotangi is phase two of the programme. It is a graduate support programme for participants as they complete each level of Te Rekamauroa. It provides participants with examples and opportunities to embed te reo Māori teachings within their learning environments, through fun events and initiatives.
The name Te Rua Korotangi refers to the traditional storehouse where the kūmara was stored, therefore acting as a repository to nurture the sweetness of the harvest, or in our case, the richness of the learnings acquired through Te Rekamauroa.
The programme is usually delivered through a mixed mode of face-to-face and online learning including:
► Two-day workshops (Kura Whakahihiri);
► One-day workshops (Akoranga Whakahihiri);
► Self-directed learning (He Whakapūmautanga);
► Tutorials; and
► Challenges/Assessments (Wero).
Levels Guide
There are seven levels of Te Ahu o te Reo Māori that participants can complete. Each level is taught over the duration of a school term. The goal is for participants to advance through each level of Te Ahu o te Reo Māori. TupuOra has a generic outline of the content delivered at each level to assist participants in deciding what level is appropriate.
Level 1 – Beginners (English mode of delivery)
Level 2 – Advanced Beginners (English mode of delivery with minimal use of te reo Māori)
Level 3 – Introductory Intermediate (English mode of delivery with increasing use of te reo Māori)
Level 4 – Intermediate (Bilingual mode of delivery)
Level 5 – Advanced Intermediate (Bilingual mode of delivery with minimal use of English)
Level 6 – Proficient (Total immersion mode of delivery)
Level 7 – Advanced Proficient (Total immersion mode of delivery)
Regional Delivery
TupuOra delivers Te Ahu o te Reo Māori in the following regions and locations:
For general enquiries regarding Te Ahu o te Reo Māori, email registration@tupuora.co.nz
For specific regional queries, email our regional Pou Ruruku – Project Managers:
- Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) – Te Wairua Smith: tewairua@tupuora.co.nz
- Te Moana a Toi (Bay of Plenty) – Rangimarie Ormsby-Teki: rangimarie@tupuora.co.nz
- Tainui – Chelei Kopa: chelei@tupuora.co.nz
- Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatū – Anahera Aramakutu: anahera@tupuora.co.nz
For Te Rua Korotangi related queries, email teruakorotangi@tupuora.co.nz