TupuOra has developed a curriculum outline that aligns specifically to the learning outcomes and success indicators across the seven level te reo Māori competency framework called Ngā Taumata o Te Ahu o te Reo Māori.
The initiative aims to support early learning to secondary school leaders, kaiako and support staff to grow their capability and confidence in using and integrating te reo Māori into the learning of all ākonga. Participants will have the opportunity to engage and understand a different worldview; engage in cultural practices, narratives, and histories relevant to Aotearoa and to the system that supports the education of all students.
Learning outcomes and focus areas are:
- Local Dialect – local words, phrases, karakia, waiata and sayings
- Use – Practise of reo use appropriate for a classroom setting
- Grammar – foundations of grammar and writing conventions
- Curriculum – development of learning content for regular activity
- Revitalisation – language planning for the school/early learning services/classroom.