Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Te Pūtahitanga is the confluence, the joining or meeting of two things. Traditionally it could refer to the confluence of waters coming together, however in this instance we use it to talk about joining people together under the principles of Te Tiriti. Pūtahi, haere tahi, mahi tahi. Coming together, moving together, working together.
Te Pūtahitanga is a one-day online wānanga based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and tailored to the needs of the clientele.  These online wānanga will be held on a date confirmed between the clientele and TupuOra.  These wānanga will be delivered by Alex Barnes and a team of facilitators.

Ranga Whakaako – Facilitation Team

Alex Barnes
Pou Aronui, Pou Whakaako

Ki whea — Where?

We work nationwide and offer online information support for Regionally Allocated PLD applications. We will work with you to tailor your professional development approach including face to face hui/wānanga and/or online zoom/webinars

Whakapā mai — Contact us

Email us at: PLD@tupuora.co.nz